Memery 101
Comedy • News • Politics
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February 22, 2022
Can we whisper in the ears of conservative candidates?

I would love to see a movement started to get a policy implemented that bans political involvement of ANY government employee that has ANY position of authority over citizens.

This means ZERO political participation under penalty of being fired without benefits if caught.

This would apply to everyone from the FBI, IRS, Military, Local police, Teachers, Judges, Local dog catcher... Colleges funded by tax dollars AND Government unions - they can keep their unions so long as the union is barred from politics, they get caught - the union is dissolved period, full stop.

If you want to be a public servant, than be a public servant, professional in your job and loyal to the constitution. If you want to be political then work in the private sector - period - no exceptions.

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This explains it...
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Quick Recap of Viva and Dr.Shiva
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